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Photography Talk
This is the main forum of The [ b ] School 3 experiment. Ask questions, share your work, give feedback, and encourage others.
I am hoping to resurrect the helpful vibe of the original [ b ] School.
The [ b ] School Archive
A selection of videos and artwork from the original [ b ] School as well as [ b ] School 2.0. Please do not add your own content to this forum but please do comment on the posts.
The Hideout
With a tip of the cap to the DWF, this forum is the place to discuss any topic unrelated to photography or business. Keep it respectful.
Here are some of the products and services that I recommend and/or use. Note: some of these contain affiliate links and I may receive some sort of compensation if you click the link and make a purchase.

IMAGEN: AI-Powered Image Editing
My wife started using this service after I discovered it at PPA in January 2023 and it has been a literal game changer! It uses AI to learn your editing style and she went from taking hours upon hours to edit weddings, to mere minutes and it's only 5 cents an image!

Jerry Ghionis
Jerry is the man and hosts the premiere educational website for wedding photographers.

If this [ b ] School 3 experiment works out, this is likely the platform I'll switch to.

Need Help Losing Weight?
If you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight despite your best efforts... The KetoCode™ will show you how to achieve SAFE, SUSTAINABLE, FAT LOSS so that you never have to diet again!

Hands down the best lab in the business. Consistent quality, fair pricing, and top-notch customer service. Family Owned.

I've been using ShootProof for 10+ years to host my online galleries. This service more than pays for itself.