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Bringing You Health in an Unhealthy World

Discover how The Proper Human Diet is the key to abundant health and a better body!

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The Proper Human Diet 

Discover what human beings should eat for abundant health and optimal body composition. The Proper Human Diet eliminates the guesswork and shows you exactly what to eat, and equally as importantly, what to avoid.

Get the Proper Human Diet Cheatsheet


Hi, I’m Dr Berry. I practice medicine in a rural town in Tennessee in the U.S. For over a decade, as a Family Physician, I have battled the epidemics of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes one patient at a time. Now I’m ready to take this battle to a larger level. Through my writing and videos I’m waging all out war against obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

More about Dr. Berry

Has your doctor lied to you?

Chances are he has, and most likely unknowingly. If you’ve been misled by bad medical advice your health will suffer. It is time you discover the truth. Medical research is expanding so quickly that only the most dedicated doctors can keep up with it all. Is your doctor that dedicated?

Lies My Doctor Told Me reveals the truth behind the lies told by well-meaning doctors. Whether it’s recommending a low-fat diet, or warning you to avoid the sun, these medical lies can cause real harm to your health.

Does your doctor still recommend that you avoid cholesterol and eat lots of whole-grains? What about a paleo diet or ketogenic diet, have they been mentioned in an office visit? So much of the nutrition and lifestyle advice doctors give is just plain wrong, and that can be dangerous. This book will help you sort through the medical myths and the outright lies, and begin to develop a health partnership with your doctor.

This book will teach you:

  • The truth about whole wheat’s effect on the human body
  • Whether milk is good for you
  • The facts about fat intake on your heart health
  • How the Food Pyramid came into existence
  • The dangers and benefits of hormone therapy
  • The truth about salt
  • How doctors think about prevention and nutrition
  • Much more

Order Lies My Doctor Told Me today, as your first step towards a better diet, better health, and a better relationship with your doctor.


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Hey Dr. Berry,

I made you a 3-minute video to share my thoughts. If any of this sounds interesting, let's hop on a Zoom and chat about it in more detail.

Coach Becker


FYI... Kajabi will run you about $149 per month, but you'll likely be able to cancel your MailChimp account, and whatever your paying for your current website.

As far as my fee goes, we can discuss either a flat rate or a percentage of sales.

Here are some websites I've built on Kajabi (including my own sites):

My Website
Fundamenta Wellness